MATCH: Markets, Actors & Technologies – A comparative study of smart grid solutions

Improving energy efficiency and replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy are among the most important measures on the road to a sustainable energy system. This implies new ways of generating and consuming energy as well as new forms of relations between the energy producers and consumers. The MATCH project contributes to the shift to a carbon-neutral energy system by zooming in on the changing roles of small consumers in the future electricity system (the “smart grids”).

The overall objective of MATCH is to expand our knowledge on how to design and implement comprehensive smart grid solutions that take into account the complexity of factors influencing the effectiveness and success of smart grid initiatives targeted at small consumers. The study is cross-disciplinary and based on detailed studies of current smart grid demonstrations in Norway, Austria and Denmark. Through comparative analysis across cases and countries, the study identifies key factors related to technology, market and actor involvement in developing integrated solutions that “work in practice”. Also, the project will apply energy system analysis and scenarios to discuss the wider energy system implications of upscaling the studied cases and solutions.

The MATCH project ran from February 2016 to October 2018 and is supported by ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus.

Read the Executive Summary of MATCH project.

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